Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund
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SDUF Organization
Information about Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund (SDUF) = Swedish Deaf Youth Association

Swedish Deaf Youth Association (SDUF) was founded in 1966 and is not affiliated to any political party or religious denomination.

SDUF is a special interest organization whose purpose is to look after the interests of deaf children and deaf youth, particularly in cultural and recreational matters. The local youth organizations for the deaf are affiliated to SDUF, and as SDUF´s target groups are children and youth in the ages of 7 to 30, the organization affiliates children and youth from Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund (the Swedish National Association of the Deaf - SDR) as well.

SDUF´s board consists of seven members who are elected at the highest decision-making body, The General Assembly, which is assembled every second year. In the end of the year when General Assembly is not assembled, SDUF summons its members to a club conference where special topics are discussed together with economical and organizational matters. The club conference is SDUF´s advisory body.

Head Office
SDUF got its first youth adviser in 1978. Today SDUF has a secretariat located in Stockholm. It consists of one full-time employees, an Youth adviser.

SDUF pursues an active interest policy that is both religiously and party politically unbound. This interest policy is concerned with deaf-political and social matters that concern deaf children and youth, such as education, drug issues and cultural matters.

Organizations for deaf children and youth can become affiliated to SDUF if they have more than seven members in the ages of 7 to 30. Individuals who are 7 to 30 years old and who are deaf or have deaf parents or siblings can become SDUF members through their local deaf organization or through the local deaf youth organization. Hearing youth can also become members of SDUF provided that they share the objective of SDUF´s policy.

Member´s benefits
All SDUF members get their own copies of Dövas tidning, a monthly paper that is issued by the Swedish National Association of the Deaf. Information from SDUF is published in this paper along with other news from the deaf community in Sweden.
All SDUF members also get a discount on their participation in camps and other activities arranged by SDUF.

SDUF arranges courses and camps where the arrangements are drug free. SDUF also organizes other activities for its members in different topics that might be interested for them.

Students councils
SDUF supports the pupils councils at the five comprehensive schools for deaf children in Sweden and the students councils at the national upper secondary schools for deaf in Örebro.

SDUF has access to different channels in order to spread information about its activities to its members. The Youth Pages in the Dövas tidning has been mentioned earlier. Other channels are the database called SDR´s First Class and Internet. (homepage)

SDUF also has the opportunity to publish information on Slingan, a teletext page (#280) shown by the national TV channels 1 and 2 by Sveriges Television (the Swedish public service television company).

Cooperation with other organizations
SDUF co-operates with deaf youth organizations from the Nordic countries. Furthermore, SDUF co-operates with other organizations for disabled youth in Sweden, such as Unga Hörselskadade (Hard-of-hearing Youth in Sweden) and Dövblind Ungdom (Deaf-Blind Youth).

SDUF cooperates with many other organizations as well. Amongst them are:
- Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund (SDR) - (the Swedish National Association of the Deaf)
- Riksförbundet för döva, hörselskadade och språkstörda barn (DHB) - (The Swedish National Association for Deaf, Hearing-Impaired and language-Impaired children)
Moreover, SDUF also cooperates with organizations for deaf youth all around the world.

SDUF Board Links

Mailadress to SDUF -


Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund
Förmansvägen 2, 6 tr
S- 117 43 Stockholm, Sweden
